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This e-book is brought together from my experience and research from a wide variety of sources: books, fragments of notepaper, emails, internet searches, videos and audio tapes, and above all of these from David Grove himself.

I had the wonderful and enlightening experience of meeting David through Caitlin Walker of Training Attention and then spending two months in the autumn of 2007 travelling through the UK and France with him. I experienced him working in therapy, delivering workshops, but mostly time was spent with the two of us chatting and discussing his ideas, like the day we enjoyed chocolate muffins and mascarpone on the beach in West Kirby (Wirral, Merseyside, UK) discussing the 4th Dimension and Emergent Knowledge. During these months I was taking notes, taping conversations, collating and deciphering the models and methods of his genius.

 Harvey and Maya

;#; Harvey and Maya ;#;

I truly hope that I’ve come close to his reality and provided an honest service to him and to you, my reader. Since David’s transition from this world in January 2008 it is paramount for me to share this information and make it available to anyone who is interested.

At times during my research I have strayed from the Grovian path to gather more information when needed, like the use of Donald W. Winnicott’s work which will be mentioned at times – there are just too many parallels between David and Donald to not mention him. Mathematics, energy theory, the space-time continuum and multi-dimensional realities are just a few of the other sources I have dived into to make my own sense of David’s worlds.

This e-book simply represents my current understanding of Grovian Emergent Knowledge, I am not proposing to be any authority on the subject. Furthermore I believe there is no authority. I hold, and continue to do so, a keen interest, an open and focussed set of eyes and ears, plus a tremendous willingness to learn and share. I trust that this should be sufficient for most.

So take stock fellow travellers, enjoy the journeys this book will take you on – I have enjoyed the ride up to here and hope this will take many of you further on in your own journeys, wherever they may lead you.

With Best Wishes for Peace Profound,

Matthew Hudson, January 2010

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